Well, this site is really coming together now!:D I have added tons of pics and i'm still working on it! I'm just gonna keep on adding things so look foward to seeing more things:D
9-22 Hello...i've added 3 more pages...i'm trying to find more things to put on here about the characters. Hold tight...i'm working on it :D
10-13 Hey, i recieved an autographed pic of James Napier in the mail from tribeworld.com :D yay!
Oh my how long it's been but i am back! i have sad news tho, i no longer have the tribe on my tv:( Someone asked what the tribes themesong is and it's called amazingly enough, the dream must stay alive :D
Hey all! I made a lot of changes around the site. Now if only I could still watch the tribe :( Oh well...i'm going to just keep working on this site the best i can to please all of those that like my site...please e-mail me if you have any suggestions or leave it in the guestbook! Thank you! Kaila