Pride Sammy Ved

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Hair: Preferred Pride's short hair because it was more comfortable, but prefers his shorter hair even more

Kissing: Nick enjoyed kissing Laura (May) but was more focused on making sure that Pride was having the right thoughts and reactions at that moment

Pets: None at the moment because Nick lives in the city, but he used to have a fluffy grey cat called Prudence

Favourite Colour: Silver

Favourite Number: 21

Siblings: Two sisters and one brother all younger than him

Nick Miller
Fact File:
Birthday: 26 April 1986
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Dark Blonde
Based: Wellington
Links: Yes

Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers: Rohan Child (2002)

The Tribe: Sammy (4.19-) (2001-02)
The Tribe: City Kid (4.01-2, 05, 11, 13, 17, 19) (2001)
The Tribe: Spike's Mate #3 (1999)
The Tribe: Loco (1.06, 08, 09, 14) (1998)

2002 Voted Best Actor at Paramount Young Persons Film Festival (Senior Div)

French Language Production, BATS theatre

2001 Lord of The Rings, extra, 3 Foot 6, dir. Peter Jackson

2001 The tribe !V, Ved (Core Cast)Cloud 9

Television Commercials:
1999 Mainland, Goldminer, New Colenso

Year 10 Research Projects:

The project topic was The year my grandmother/grandfather was the age I am now. The best projects combined a family memoir with a survey of international and national events, and how they affected peoples lives at the time. Many boys used a wide variety of sources and displayed outstanding desk-top publishing skills.

Winner of Trophy for Research - Dan Weekes-Hannah

Lucas Hayward

Dan Weekes-Hannah